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【40周年校庆学术活动】学术报告四十八:Barrier and Target Coverage with Mobile Sensors on the Plane

时间:2023-06-19 20:45

主讲人 郭龙坤 教授(福州大学) 讲座时间 2023年6月20日16:40-17:20
讲座地点 威尼斯wns9778粤海校区汇星楼514 实际会议时间日

数学与统计学院学术报告[2023] 048


报告题目: Barrier and Target Coverage with Mobile Sensors on the Plane

报告人: 郭龙坤 教授(福州大学)



报告内容: Emerging IoT applications have brought up new coverage problems with mobile sensors. In this talk, we shall introduce several results on linear barrier coverage and on-a-line target coverage with mobile sensors distributed on the plane. In this talk, we will address both computational complexity and algorithmic results for serveral coverage problems: (1) Min-Max line barrier coverage (LBC) problem that aims to minimize the maximum movement of the sensors for the sake of balancing energy consumption; (2) MinSum Sink-based Line Barrier Coverage (SLBC) problem of covering a line barrier with mobile sensors originated at sink stations on the plane, where the objective is to minimize the movement sum of the sensors for the sake of energy efficiency. We also demonstrate experimental results for evaluating the practical performance gain of our algorithms.

报告人简历: 郭龙坤,福州大学数学与统计学院教授/博士生导师。数学规划学会青年理事,CCF理论计算机专委执行委员,福建省计算机学会理事。2005与2011年分别毕业于中国科学技术大学计算机科学与技术系获工学学士与博士学位。2015年--2016年阿德莱德大学计算机学院研究工作(Research Associate)。主要研究边缘与移动网络、分布式与云计算等场景中的组合优化问题的算法设计与分析。至今共发表国内外主流学术期刊与会议论文100余篇,包括IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC), IEEE Transactions on Computers(TC),Algorithmica, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Theoretical Computer Science, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization等国际期刊及IEEE ICDCS、ACM SPAA、International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)等国际会议。主持两项国家自然科学基金面上项目与一项国家自然科学基金青年项目;主持四项省部级基金(包括一项教育部博士点基金);作为主要骨干人员参加多项国家与省部级自然科学基金。


报告邀请人: 陈之兵

