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【40周年校庆学术活动】荔园学者Colloquium第二十六期:Input Delay Tolerance of Nonlinear Systems under Smooth Feedback: A Semiglobal Control Framework

时间:2023-06-15 20:23

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讲座题目:Input Delay Tolerance of Nonlinear Systems under Smooth Feedback: A Semiglobal Control Framework

主讲人:林威 教授(凯斯西储大学)



内容概述:This talk addresses the fundamental control problem of when an asymptotically stabilizable nonlinear system by smooth feedback is tolerable with respect to input delay. We illustrate, by means of examples, some fundamental limitations including:  

1) A globally exponentially stabilizable (GES) nonlinear system may not guarantee global asymptotic stabilizability (GAS) of the nonlinear system even with an arbitrarily small input delay;

2) GAS cannot even ensure semiglobal asymptotic stabilizability of the nonlinear system with a small input delay.  

To overcome these obstacles, we introduce the notion of semiglobal input delay tolerance (SGIDT) and present a semiglobal control framework for the asymptotic analysis/synthesis of input delay tolerance of multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear systems under smooth feedback. With the aid of Razumikhin theorem and the converse Lyapunov theorem on global asymptotic local exponential stability (GALES, Lin 2020), it is proved that in the case of state feedback, GALES does ensure the SGIDT of a MIMO nonlinear system. In the case of output feedback, it is further proved that GALES and uniform observability imply the SGIDT of the nonlinear system.

主讲人简介:林威,美国凯斯西储大学教授,美国科学基金会成就奖获得者、日本学术振兴会高级会员、Warren E. Rupp基金教授以及“Robert Herbold Faculty Fellow Award”获得者。他曾是2001年和2002年的IEEE决策与控制会议程序委员会副主席,分别负责短文和分会邀请;2006年和2008年分别是全球智能控制与自动化大会的专题组主席和分会主席;同时是IEEE控制系统协会理事会成员和IFAC非线性控制专业委员会成员。他是期刊《IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control》的副编辑及其专刊“New Directions in Nonlinear Control”的特邀编辑、期刊《Automatica》的副编辑、期刊《International. Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control》的专题编辑以及期刊《Journal of Control Theory and Applications》的副编辑。


