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【40周年校庆学术活动】荔园杰出学者讲座第三期:Integrated conditional moment test and beyond: when the number of covariates is divergent.

时间:2023-03-27 16:16

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讲座题目:Integrated conditional moment test and beyond: when the number of covariates is divergent.

主讲人:朱力行 教授(北京师范大学



内容概述The classic integrated conditional moment (ICM) test is a promising method for model checking and its basic idea has been applied to develop several variants. However, in diverging dimension scenarios, the ICM test may break down and has completely different limiting properties from those in fixed dimension cases, and the related wild bootstrap approximation would also be invalid. To extend the ICM test to diverging dimension settings, we propose a projected adaptive to model version of the ICM test. We study the asymptotic properties of the new test under both the null and alternative hypotheses to examine its ability of significance level maintenance and its sensitivity to the global and local alternatives that are distinct from the null at the rate root n. The corresponding wild bootstrap approximation can still work in diverging dimension scenarios. We also derive the consistency and asymptotically linear representation of the least squares estimator of the parameter at the fastest rate of divergence in the literature for nonlinear models. The numerical studies show that the new test can greatly enhance the performance of the ICM test in high-dimensional cases. We also apply the test to a real data set for illustration.

主讲人简介:朱力行,北京师范大学统计与数据科学研究中心首席专家,北京师范大学统计学院教授委员会主席。香港浸会大学特聘讲座教授,重要研究人员(featured researcher),美国科学促进会(AAAS), 美国统计学会(ASA),以及美国数理统计研究院(IMS) fellow 和国际统计研究院(ISI) elected member。分别于1989年,2014年获国家教委科学技术进步二等奖和中国教育部自然科学奖二等奖;2013年度国家自然科学奖二等奖(独立获奖人)。1998年获德国洪堡研究奖(中国自然科学领域第一位获奖者,亚洲统计学界唯一获奖者);2004年-2007年任中国人民大学长江讲座教授。1997年获国家基金委杰出青年基金,1999年获中国科学院百人计划支持。1995-96年度国家“百千万人才工程”入选者。作为一个教育工作者,有多名他培养的博士,博士后成绩斐然,获得杰青,优青基金资助,以及国家高层次人才等等荣誉称号。欢迎师生参加!

