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【40周年校庆学术活动】学术报告一百零二: Hydrodynamic limit and Newtonian limit from the relativistic Boltzmann equation to the classical Euler equations

时间:2023-12-20 16:22

主讲人 肖长国 博士(广西师范大学) 讲座时间 2023年12月21日 15:00-15:50
讲座地点 汇星楼514 实际会议时间日 21
实际会议时间年月 2023.12

威尼斯wns9778学术报告[2023] 102号


报告题目:Hydrodynamic limit and Newtonian limit from the relativistic Boltzmann equation to the classical Euler equations

报告人:肖长国 博士(广西师范大学)



报告内容:We justify rigorously the validity of the two independent limits from the special relativistic Boltzmann equation to the classical Euler equations without assuming any dependence between the Knudsen number$\varepsilon$ and the light speed $\mathfrak{c}$. The convergence rates are also obtained. This is achieved by Hilbert expansion of relativistic Boltzmann equation. New difficulties arise when tacking the uniform in $\mathfrak{c}$ and $\varepsilon$ estimates for the Hilbert expansion, which have been overcome by establishing some uniform-in-$\mathfrak{c}$ estimates for relativistic Boltzmann operators.

报告人简介:肖长国,2013年博士毕业于复旦大学,现工作于广西师范大学数学与统计学院,主要研究Boltzmann方程的适定性和流体动力学极限,流体力学中的偏微分方程,近年来在 J. Math. Fluid Mech.、Electronic Journal of Differential Equations、Z. Angew. Math. Phys.、Kinet. Relat.Models等期刊发表学术论文多篇。



