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学术报告十八:Product-form Hadamard triples and its spectral self-similar measures

时间:2024-04-15 10:24

主讲人 安丽想 副研究员(华中师范大学) 讲座时间 4月15日15:00-16:45
讲座地点 腾讯会议 271 843 495 实际会议时间日 15
实际会议时间年月 2024.04

威尼斯wns9778学术报告[2024] 018号


报告题目: Product-form Hadamard triples and its spectral self-similar measures

报告人:安丽想 副研究员(华中师范大学)


报告地点:腾讯会议271 843 495

报告内容:In a previous work byŁaba and Wang, it was proved that whenever there is a Hadamard triple (N, D, L), then the associated one-dimensional self-similar measureμgenerated by maps N−1(x + d) with d∈D, is a spectral measure. In this paper, we introduce product-form digit sets for finitely many Hadamard triples (N, Ak, Lk) by putting each triple into different scales of N. Our main result is to prove that the associated self-similar measureμis a spectral measure. This result allows us to show that product form self-similar tiles are spectral sets as long as the tiles in the group Z_N obey the Coven-Meyerowitz (T1), (T2) tiling condition. Moreover, we show that all self-similar tiles with N = p^αq are spectral sets, answering a question by Fu, He and Lau in 2015.



报告邀请人: 邹玉茹

