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学术报告六十八:Dynamic Saturation Level based Global Results of Systems with Input Saturation

时间:2024-07-22 11:53

主讲人 王晓玲 讲座时间 2024.07.21 15:00-16:00
讲座地点 汇星楼(科技楼)515-4 实际会议时间日 21
实际会议时间年月 2024.7

威尼斯wns9778学术报告[2024] 068号


报告题目: Dynamic Saturation Level based Global Results of Systems with Input Saturation




报告内容:In this talk, we focus on a general linear time-invariant multi-agent system with heterogeneous actuator saturation to answer the main questions: how to achieve global consensus under the asymptotically null controllable with bounded controls premise of each agent, to make breakthroughs from the perspectives of global consensus, heterogeneous actuator saturation, communication noises and distributed characteristic preservation. We introduce a distributed control algorithm that incorporates a redesigned saturation function featuring a decentralized dynamic saturation level to achieve these objectives. Each component of the dynamic saturation level self-updates according to an adaptive strategy. We name this proposed method the dynamic saturation level technique. Then, we extend this method to systems with heterogenous and asymmetric saturation.

报告人简历: 王晓玲,南京邮电大学自动化学院、人工智能学院副教授、硕士生导师;江苏省优秀青年,江苏省“双创博士”。2017年毕业于上海交通大学自动化系获工学博士学位,获得上海交通大学优秀博士论文;多次在香港大学和香港城市大学作为访问学者从事合作研究工作。主要从事多自主体系统的协同控制与协同观测及其在自主无人系统中的应用研究。



